Right and Wrong

Use Every Day Right

What did the Lord Jesus do?

… on the Sabbath day He went into the synagogue, as was His custom.

Luke 4:16

Yes, the Lord Jesus went to the synagogue. The synagogue was the church of the Jews, so the Lord Jesus had the habit of going to church on the Sabbath.

Because He rose from the dead on a Sunday, this day must be special for us. God wants us to think especially about Him on this day and to be with other people who love Him.

At church we sing songs of thanks to God, we pray to Him and we listen to His Word.

Read from the Bible Mark 3:1-5 and fill in the spaces below

1. The man in the synagogue had a hand.
2. The Lord Jesus told the man to and come in of everyone.
3. The Lord Jesus him.
4. The Lord Jesus did on the Sabbath day.

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